find your edge…

f i t n e s s 

Step up your fitness game by letting me lead you through this journey side by side to achieve your goals! Whether you are looking to lean out, build muscle, improve health, or increase sports performance.

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n u t r i t i o n

Stay on top of your nutrition to fuel your body and life!  I will meet you where you are at in your nutrition journey, and raise you up to where you want to be by teaching you sustainable, life long healthy eating habits.

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l i f e s t y l e

Let's level up your confidence and mindset!  Keep yourself accountable and practice high quality thoughts and actions in every area of life with my behavior change coaching.  We will create a new perspective on life where you shine from the inside out.

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v i s i o n + m i s s i o n

We shape our beautiful life through leaning into our edges, harnessing our inner energy, and shining from the inside out by chasing our best performance through nourishment of the mind + body + spirit. This will create a life worth living, allow me to guide you through this journey.

Ultimately, Sarah's coaching mission is built around creating the highest quality lifestyle personalized to each individual by achieving success of practicing high performance habits in every aspect of life.


begin your fitness journey