

C o a c h  S a r a h


Sarah graduated from West Chester University of Pennsylvania in 2017 with a Bachelors of Science in Kinesiology with concentrations in Athletic Coaching and Nutrition.  She is a certified personal trainer under the National Academy of Sports Medicine and is a certified Behavior Change Specialist through the American Council on Exercise.  Sarah is an NPC National Bikini Champion, and has competed on the Olympia stage. 

Back in 2009, Sarah fell in love with strength and conditioning during her training for high school varsity volleyball.  In college, she took fitness to another level and started competing in bikini competitions from 2014 to 2017.  With 10+ years of fitness experience under her belt, she breathes this lifestyle and has reached her goals while working full time jobs and going to school. 

Her professional background in the sport nutrition industry, where she was a former sponsored athlete and fitness model, has helped her understand what it takes to train and eat for specific metabolic adaptations.  She uses her knowledge and experiences from the fitness, bodybuilding, modeling, and sport nutrition industries to strengthen her coaching expertise in living a balanced lifestyle between fitness and nutrition.  She uses positive psychology methods in her strengths based approach of coaching her clients to achieve success towards their goals.  Understanding the body and the mind allows Sarah to connect her client's awareness to their actions and put meaning behind achieving their goals.  Overtime, Sarah's passion grew and she created Strengths Inside Out LLC to expand her coaching from one on one to group coaching.  Her mission is to help females explore their inner strengths and shine confidently from the inside out! 

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